MAY 29 to JUNE 3, 2021


For more than 25 years the projects we carry have been developed under the seal of ecology. We do not claim it, we simply live it. Ecology is part of our DNA. It is a matrix that guides each of our actions.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
And this statement is anything but a simple statement of good intention. Because it is about having a pragmatic ecology approach.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The premise is always the same: look, analyze, and study the potential ecological impacts that a race can create in the heart of a natural space. And once the potential ecological impacts have been clearly identified, pragmatic eco-responsible solutions must be provided.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Each participant and each organizer of Corsica Raid signs the Eco-Adventurer Charter which sums up our ecological ethics. Extract: “if we love our sport so much, it is because the word“ adventure ”is attached to it, induces the idea of ​​nature.
Beyond the competition, we claim a difference which lies entirely in the fact that we have the immense privilege of rubbing shoulders with the beautiful, the sublime ... nature!
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
After our passage, if it regains its tranquility and perfect balance, then we will have lived a great adventure.
And on the Corsica Raid Aventure, we like to think that with flawless ethics, a multi-activity race can be organized without damage for the most unlikely, the most fragile, and the most unique of partners, NATURE.